Te Quiero Ver Lyrics in English

La Maquinaria Norteña

Hey, how are you?
How's your day going?
Shall we have dinner?
Do you think it's possible?
Whatever you want
I would invite you
I want to see you
What do you like to do?
Tell me, where are you from?
I invite you to go for a walk
I want to get to know you
I won't stop
Until I convince you
I want to see you
Think of a place you've never been
I'll take you there
Tell me where and when
I'll get ready and go right away
You don't know, but it could be a great adventure
And if you don't like it, it's okay babe, nothing happens here
Hey, how are you?
How's your day going?
Shall we have dinner?
Do you think it's possible?
Whatever you want
I would invite you
I want to see you
Think of a place you've never been
I'll take you there
Tell me where and when
I'll get ready and go right away
You don't know, but it could be a great adventure
And if you don't like it, it's okay babe, nothing happens here.
Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
Te Quiero Ver Song Meaning
"Te Quiero Ver" by La Maquinaria Norteña is a romantic song that expresses the desire to get to know someone better. The lyrics are filled with invitations to dinner, walks, and adventures, all in the hopes of spending time with the person the singer is interested in. The song is upbeat and playful, with a catchy melody that is sure to get listeners dancing. Overall, "Te Quiero Ver" is a fun and flirty song that celebrates the excitement of new relationships and the joy of getting to know someone special.
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