inauthor:"Søren Kierkegaard" from
A new translation of Concluding Unscientific Postscript, with an introduction that sets the work in its philosophical and historical contexts.
inauthor:"Søren Kierkegaard" from
This is volume 17 in a series of commentaries based upon the definitive translations of Kierkegaard's writings published by Princeton University Press, 1980ff.
inauthor:"Søren Kierkegaard" from
In addition to Point of View, which was published posthumously, the present volume also contains On My Work as an Author, a contemporary substitute, and the companion piece Armed Neutrality.
inauthor:"Søren Kierkegaard" from
Translated from the Danish by Walter Lowrie, David Swenson, and Alexander Dru The Danish philosopher Kierkegaard is one of the master thinkers of the modern age, a defining influence on existentialism and on twentieth-century theology, and ...
inauthor:"Søren Kierkegaard" from
An anthology containing substantial excerpts from the Danish philosopher's major works.
inauthor:"Søren Kierkegaard" from
A religious diatribe written from within the Church against the established order of things in a presumably "Christian" land.
inauthor:"Søren Kierkegaard" from
Diary of a Seducer records Johannes's discovery of a girl with the Shakespearean name Cordelia, whom he sets out to control.
inauthor:"Søren Kierkegaard" from
Here is an engaging alternative to the more solemn introductions to Sren Kierkegaard that are currently available: The Laughter Is on My Side entices us into Kierkegaard's way of looking at the world.