Print length. 812 pages ; Language. French ; Publisher. University of Michigan Library ; Publication date. January 8, 2010 ; Dimensions. 5 x 2.04 x 8 inches.
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$50.47 In stock
Les dépenses de l'année sont de 90 fr. 09 supé rieures aux recettes; mais sans faire état de quel ques cotisations arriérées, nous ne devons pas oublier que les ...
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This article, however, considers a unique but neglected corpus of tiny inscriptions hidden in miniatures painted by assistants of the Bourges-based book ...
Catalogue du Musée Lapidaire de Bourges. SOCIETE DES ANTIQUAIRES DU CENTRE. Seller: Le-Livre, SABLONS, France 5-star rating. Used - Softcover Condition: bon.
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(2,091) · $$ - $$$
Very atmospheric French place, a lot of people and very lively, the service is fast and the waiters are very friendly and funny, beautiful location. The food ...
Missing: Inauthor société bourges
(2,091) · $$ - $$$
The food at Les Antiquaires was absolutely wonderful. The prices were affordable and the staff was very friendly. I had the duck, which was cooked to perfection ...
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Dec 19, 2014 · Si l'on voulait se risquer à la tâche impossible de résumer en une phrase un parcours de recherche aussi riche et varié que celui d'Irena ...
Nineteenth-century epic has long been considered in pejorative terms: the Romantic poets routinely heralded its demise, and their Victorian counterparts ...
Bulletin de la Société Nationale des Antiquaires de France began in 1857 as Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Antiquaires de France. It was renamed ...
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