Francis Plowden from
... PLOWDEN OF PLOWDEN . The late EDMUND PLOWDEN , Esq . of Plowden , co . Salop ... FRANCIS , successor to his brother . Mary , m . to Richard White , Esq . of ... Plowden , co . Salop , at Shiplake , in Oxfordshire ; and at ...
Francis Plowden from
... Francis Plowden from Shropshire28 and Richard Biddulph from Staffordshire.29 The family of John Stafford and his brother Francis had important estates in Shropshire , Stafford- shire and Gloucestershire.30 The Duke of Powis came from ...
Francis Plowden from
... Francis Plowden of Plowden , co . Salop , and Francis " Plowden his son and heir , of one part , and Richard Mascye " the younger , son and heir of Hamlet Mascye , late of Rixton , " Esq . , deceased , and William Bradshagh of London ...
Francis Plowden from
... PLOWDEN , Alfred Chichele , B.A .; Metropolitan Police Magistrate , Marylebone Court , since 1888 ; b . Meerut ... Francis , J.P. , D.L .; b . 1853 ; o . s . of late William H. Francis Plowden and Barbara , e . d . of late Francis ...
Francis Plowden from
... Francis Plowden , to be Comptroller of the Household.1 4. Dominick Sheldon and William Dickeson ( Dicconson ) , to be Under Grooms to the Prince of Wales ; Charles Leyburne , Thomas Sakvill , and Sir John Gifford , Bart . , to be Grooms ...
Francis Plowden from
... Plowden , having fulfilled the conditions required of him , received two ... Francis , gave out that his father was dead , to enable him to sell his ... Francis Plowden likewise , on some base charge , had his father impri- soned ...
Francis Plowden from
... PLOWDEN ( F. ) An Historical Letter to the Rev. Charles O'Connor , D.D. , heretofore stiling himself Columbanus , upon his Five Addresses or Letters to his Countrymen . From Francis Plowden , Esq . *** pp . xii , 367 , 126 , 17. [ Paris ...
Francis Plowden from
... Plowden, Catherine L. Plowden, Frances Helen Plowden, George Frederick Wickman Plowden, Hon Francis John Plowden, Luke Piers Plowden, Lydia Geraldine Ann (Hon Mrs Francis Plowden) Plowden, Richard Chicheley Plowden, Veronica Mary ...
Francis Plowden from
... PLOWDEN ( F. ) An Historical Letter to the Rev. Charles O'Connor , D.D. , heretofore stiling himself Columbanus , upon his Five Addresses or Letters to his Countrymen . From Francis Plowden , Esq . *** pp . xii , 367 , 126 , 17. [ Paris ...
Francis Plowden from
... PLOWDEN , Francis , Esq . LL.D , at his apartments in the Rue Vaugirard , Paris ; at an advanced age . This gentleman was a member of the eminent Catholic family of the name , and brother to the Rev. Charles Plow- den , a Roman Catholic ...