Jason Baumann, the NYPL coordinator of humanities and LGBTQ collections, has edited and introduced the volume to coincide with the NYPL exhibition he has curated on the Stonewall uprising and gay liberation movement of 1969.
So, too, certain of his confreres in this collection, which is the product of several decades of exploring the Pacific past in archives, by sea, and on foot through most of Oceania.
Joan Nestle tells of her own experiences as a Jewish, working class lesbian. In this collection of stories from her life, political essays and her fiction, she offers a complete politics of gender, sex and class.
This is a memoir of one man’s role in modern LGBT history, from being on the scene of the Stonewall riots, to getting kicked off a 1970s TV show for dancing with another man—and then, decades later, dancing with his husband at a White ...
Participants represented physics, applied and theoretical mathematics, and electrical engineering departments in universities and industry. No index. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Many of the problems are fairly standard, but there are also problems of a more original type. This makes the book a useful supplementary text for anyone studying or teaching the subject. ... This book deserves many readers and users.