... de La Lune', 'Publie ... in author's own former specialism of celestial mechanics [6], and in particular tidal friction and the secular acceleration of the Moon [7]. II.2.3 Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier and Victor Alexandre Puiseux 133.
Brought to life by Arthur Goldhammer’s clear, fluid, and vigorous translation, this volume of Democracy in America is the first to fully capture Tocqueville’s achievements both as an accomplished literary stylist and as a profound ...
Theory of Literature was born from the collaboration of Ren Wellek, a Vienna-born student of Prague School linguistics, and Austin Warren, an independently minded "old New Critic.
The purpose of this volume is to review the results in spectral graph theory which have appeared since 1978.The problem of characterizing graphs with least eigenvalue -2 was one of the original problems of spectral graph theory.
Examines the politics and society of an influential group of mixed-race people who settled in coastal Africa under French colonialism, becoming middleman traders for European merchants and ultimately power brokers against French rule.