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Showing results for inauthor: C. JUGEND & DR. CHRISTIAN W. RENNER
inauthor: C. JUGEND & DR. CHRISTIAN W. RENNER from
Written with tenderness and poignancy and gorgeously illustrated, this book will show readers that kindness is always rewarding, understanding is sweeter than judgment, and friendship is the best gift one can give.
inauthor: C. JUGEND & DR. CHRISTIAN W. RENNER from
Individually, these essays peer into fascinating, overlooked corners of German life. Together, they tell what it really meant to live in West Germany in the 1950s and 1960s.
inauthor: C. JUGEND & DR. CHRISTIAN W. RENNER from
En dybtgående, veldokumenteret analyse af britisk udenrigspolitik i gennem de første 10 efterkrigsår, herunder bl. a. den engelsk-amerikansk-franske manøvre for at afværge Sovjetunionens bestræbelser for at genforene Tyskland.