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Scale of the Nation: Alberto Giacometti's Miniature Monument - Fiduccia - 2022 - Art History
Wiley Online Library
In 1939, Alberto Giacometti proposed an unusual work for the Swiss National Exhibition: a tiny head placed on a wide pedestal, which gave rise to dramatic...
32 months ago
DOSARELE DE INTERDICȚIE ale jurnalistului Mihai Eminescu, publicate pentru prima dată de Constantin Barbu. ActiveNews reproduce toate DOCUMENTELE OLOGRAFE, inclusiv interogatoriul lui Eminescu și Istorisirea celei mai cumplite crime
Interviu Partea a XII-a Victor Roncea: Opinia publică și presa își aduc aminte de Eminescu, îndeobște, de două ori pe an.
10 months ago
István Hont
Institute of Intellectual History
István Hont was born in Budapest in 1947 into a privileged family committed to the socialist cause and well-connected with the communist...
4 months ago
“There is no such thing” – A Review of Adorno’s ‘Philosophy and Sociology’
Sublation Media
In 1987, in the heady days of neoliberalism, Margaret Thatcher uttered the oft-quoted dictum “There is no such thing as society.
17 months ago
Appendix Looking Back: When does the ‘War of the Spirits’ Start? in: Science embattled
George L. Mosse begins his classic analysis of German ideology in the 1870s, at a time when the unification of the country and the rise of industry evoked a...
67 months ago
(PDF) Elementary Considerations of Humanity
An examination of humanity as a specific normative idea in the historical discourse of international law provides a platform for better understanding the...
2 weeks ago
Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy vol. 1 Abdication-Duty
Online Library of Liberty
Vol. 1 of a massive 3 volume, 3000 page compendium of nearly every aspect of 19th century American economics and political institutions.
72 months ago
The expansion of nineteenth-century international law as circulation (Chapter 4) - Mestizo International Law
Cambridge University Press & Assessment
When semi-peripheral international lawyers appropriated classical international law and the European legal tradition, they advanced a series of doctrinal...
91 months ago
Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy 3 vols.
Online Library of Liberty
A massive 3 volume, 3000 page compendium of nearly every aspect of 19th century American economics and political institutions. Main contributors, with 10 or...
9 months ago
Zur Lehre von der „neutralen Gewalt" des Staatsoberhauptes
Die Lehre von der neutralen Gewalt (pouvoir neutre) des Staatsoberhauptes, die von Benjamin Constant, dem Theoretiker des liberalen...
643 months ago