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“There is no such thing” – A Review of Adorno’s ‘Philosophy and Sociology’
Sublation Media
In 1987, in the heady days of neoliberalism, Margaret Thatcher uttered the oft-quoted dictum “There is no such thing as society.
15 months ago
Appendix Looking Back: When does the ‘War of the Spirits’ Start? in: Science embattled
George L. Mosse begins his classic analysis of German ideology in the 1870s, at a time when the unification of the country and the rise of...
65 months ago
DOSARELE DE INTERDICȚIE ale jurnalistului Mihai Eminescu, publicate pentru prima dată de Constantin Barbu. ActiveNews reproduce toate DOCUMENTELE OLOGRAFE, inclusiv interogatoriul lui Eminescu și Istorisirea celei mai cumplite crime
Interviu Partea a XII-a Victor Roncea: Opinia publică și presa își aduc aminte de Eminescu, îndeobște, de două ori pe an.
8 months ago
Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy vol. 1 Abdication-Duty
Online Library of Liberty
Vol. 1 of a massive 3 volume, 3000 page compendium of nearly every aspect of 19th century American economics and political institutions.
70 months ago
File Johann Caspar Bluntschli (HeidICON 4544).jpg
Wikimedia Commons
Original file (1,071 × 1,600 pixels, file size: 222 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg). File information. Structured data...
78 months ago
The expansion of nineteenth-century international law as circulation (Chapter 4) - Mestizo International Law
Cambridge University Press & Assessment
Semi-peripheral jurists faithfully believed in the universality of international law as neutral and scientific knowledge and as a legal order.
89 months ago
Johann Kaspar Bluntschli
Johann Caspar (também Kaspar) Bluntschli (7 de Março de 1808 – 21 de outubro de 1881) foi um jurista e político Suiço.
76 months ago
Germany. The Seminary Method. Reported by Herbert B. Adams, 1884
Economics in the Rear-View Mirror
The "Seminary" was the graduate student research workshop of its day. The seminary form was imported from Germany at the end of the...
106 months ago
Cyclopædia of Political Science, Political Economy, and the Political History of the United States
The present work, which will be completed in three volumes, is the first to supply that want. It is also the first Political History of the United States in...
80 months ago
Herbert Baxter Adams, 1850-1901.
The History of Economic Thought Website
American historian of the "New Generation" at Johns Hopkins. Born in Shutesbury, Massachusetts of early English colonial stock.
68 months ago