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inauthor:"Charles P. Poole" de
The book further tackles critical state models; various types of tunneling and the Josephson effect; and other transport properties. The text concludes by looking into spectroscopic properties.
inauthor:"Charles P. Poole" de
" -- Charles M. Vest, President, Massachusetts Institute of Technology "Nanotechnology has given us the tools. . .to play with the ultimate toy box of nature-- atoms and molecules. Everything is made from it. . .
inauthor:"Charles P. Poole" de
This revision retains the best features of the Second Edition while including new material reflecting advances in nonlinear dynamics, chaos, and fractal geometries.
inauthor:"Charles P. Poole" de
In this edition, Beams Medal winner Charles Poole and John Safko have updated the text to include the latest topics, applications, and notation, to reflect today's physics curriculum.
inauthor:"Charles P. Poole" de
A brand new chapter on entanglement and quantum computing written by Professor Horacio A. Farach has been added to this second edition. The book is an indispensable resource for graduate students and physicists in industry and academia.
inauthor:"Charles P. Poole" de
La claridad de exposición y la inclusión de introducciones a principios físicos y químicos básicos del tema sujeto a debate, hacen que 'Introducción a la nanotecnología' sea un texto especialmente útil para aquellos que sientan la ...
inauthor:"Charles P. Poole" de
Additionally, this accessible book: Provides an introductory overview of the basic principles of solids Describes the various methods used to measure the properties of nanosolids Explains how and why properties change when reducing the size ...
inauthor:"Charles P. Poole" de
This volume is a translation and revision of the Original Russian version by Baryahktar.
inauthor:"Charles P. Poole" de
The book also features many examples of commercial applications; an extensive glossary that defines superconductivity terms in clear language; and a supplementary list of readings for the interested lay reader.