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Inuyasha and Kikyo: Twin Flames?

A lightly researched opinion piece about the relationships and connections between Inuyasha, Kikyo and Kagome

By vamphigherqueenPublished 4 years ago Updated 3 years ago 6 min read
There is a strong connection between Kikyo, Kagome and Inuyasha.

I’ve found myself in the midst of a few great discussions about Kikyo and Inuyasha being soulmates, and whether or not Kikyo can pass through the well, so I wanted to talk about Kikyo and Inuyasha’s soul connection.

Let me start with the difference between Soulmates and Twin flames.

Soulmates are people your soul shares similar energy with, but you don’t have a fusion or actual soul tie with. You can have many soulmates in your lifetime, and these relationships tend to be a lot easier than the twin flame journey.

Twin flames are two halves of one whole. You only have one twin flame, that you can unite with in your lifetime. Your souls are instantly drawn to one another, and you can subconsciously recognize one another, and connect quickly.

Let’s talk about how that connects Inuyasha and Kikyo.

When you unite with your twin flame, this person will bring out your best self, your true self, and the person you want to be in the long run.

For Kikyo, Inuyasha made her want to be an ordinary woman so she could be happy, and Inuyasha wanted to become human and stop fighting. These weren’t just things they wanted so they could be with each other, these are the things they wanted for themselves, so they could live in peace.

Kikyo was a powerful priestess, highly focused on her task, but she couldn’t resist her connection with Inuyasha. They connected because they both felt “inhuman” and alone on their path, much like twin flames walk a similar life path that helps them relate and deepen their bond.

Could their relationship have possibly been lifelong? Yes, I believe so.

Unfortunately, between the curse placed on Kikyo by Tsubaki, and her terrible idea to provide refuge and care for the bandit Onigumo, their actual union was brought to a screeching halt, and their lack of trust for one another also interfered.

Enter Kagome; The reincarnation of Kikyo, who was brought to the Feudal Era by Kikyo’s feelings and the Sacred Jewel of Four Souls.

Kikyo was never meant to be brought back to life by the witch Urasue, but since she was, Inuyasha’s heart felt torn in half.

He felt the connection to both women, since, essentially, they shared the same essence/life force, which made both women his one twin female.

They also endured the sufferings and processes that twin flames go through on their journey of love.

For example, Kagome’s dark night of the soul, a time of deep, soulful pain and separation during a difficult time between twin flames, occured when Naraku’s infant incarnation tried to delve into her heart, after finding the darkness inside of it, and forced her her look within, which helped her learn important things about herself and her feelings for Inuyasha.

Also, let’s not forget the separation period (which Inuyasha experienced with both versions of his twin flame) 50 years with Kikyo, and 3 years with Kagome after they destroyed the jewel.

The souls will test each other in many ways. One will be the chaser, and one will be the runner. Kagome's deep desire to go home when she was trapped in the jewel, sent her to the place her soul wished to be, which made her the runner. Kagome forced herself to continue on with her life, and graduated High School. Inuyasha, the chaser, waited by the well for her, every 3 days, for 3 years.

For those three years, their souls were tested, and they were finally reunited once more.

Inuyasha and Kagome’s marriage (the final twin flame union), is what was meant to be.

Kagome falling for Inuyasha was inevitable, because they were meant to be drawn to one another.

Inuyasha and Kagome were both very young mentally, and needed to help each other grow, mature and trust in romantic love.

I think a lot about the coincidences in this reincarnation.

Reincarnation, from what I’ve researched, is in no way random. Kikyo’s soul and lingering feelings continued on a conscious journey through 500 years of time, to be reborn into the girl whose family was a line of shrine keepers with that exact tree and well in their shrine, which guaranteed her soul's return to the feudal era.

It was a sophisticated soul journey, and was manipulated by many forces, that ultimately could not defeat the power of the love of two fated souls.

All in all, this has personally changed my perspective of Inuyasha and Kikyo. I don’t believe Inuyasha was a two-timer, and I hold no hatred for Kikyo, considering that the only way for Kagome and Kikyo to exist simultaneously was because of Kikyo’s own spiritual powers and emotions (positive and negative, but mostly negative.). Her body had to live off lost souls, because she no longer had a soul of her own, since Kagome made it her own.

Remember when Kagome told Kikyo to get her hands off of Inuyasha when she tried to drag him to hell, and she called her soul back to her?

Kagome had most of her soul the entire time, which was able to win Inuyasha over in the end. I’m sure, once Kikyo died, when her soul collectors floated around Kagome to say their final goodbye, they returned the remainder of Kikyo’s original soul to her, (which she probably needed to become a much stronger priestess).

Inuyasha was drawn to the original soul. I don’t want to start a fight and say this meant he loved Kikyo the most, because that isn’t the case at all.

Inuyasha’s heart and mind loved Kagome deeply, because, like I said, once Kagome had that soul, it was hers, and she developed and nurtured it in her own way.

Kagome vibrated a strong frequency of love. I recently heard a quote that we become the strongest dose of love we receive, and Kagome's upbringing and friendships definitely made her a strong-hearted and loving person. She was independent, ambitious, always spoke her mind and was ready to fight for what was right.

Let’s keep this other fact in mind: You know it, I know it, Inuyasha knew it, every character in the series knew it. Kikyo is DEAD. Inuyasha said she felt cold and empty. She was no longer his Kikyo. He’s not that stupid (right? Lmao)

Let me end this piece by saying this is all speculated based off research on my spiritual journey, and as a twin flame myself. I often re-watch this anime when I want to soothe my soul, and when I feel the most upset. I saw a lot of soul-searching symbolism in this anime, and I especially admire Kagome, because even though she’s young and still maturing, she always tends to look within and be self aware. That trait is important for your spiritual and mental maturity.

A lot of people that know me, and read my meme posts, probably think I just like the anime because of all various ships and hotties, but it’s near and dear to my heart. No other anime makes me feel the way it does, and I can tell by people I've talked to that many people feel the same way.

I’ll probably do a follow-up post( or posts) and write all the spiritual Inuyasha symbolism I can think of, since I post spiritual pieces.

(Maybe I’ll do a post about Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, too! I saw so many spiritual and biblical connections there...hmm...)

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  • Tina N9 months ago

    I greatly agree with this! Kagome and Kikyo does share the same soul which could mean they are twin souls. Twin souls have the same souls but they are of the same gender. I have watched inuyasha many times as well due to the love between Inuyasha and Kagome and the awesome story line. It really reminds me of the twin flame connection. Have you watched fushigi yugi? It has a similiar concept towards the end of the episodes and onto ova. I definitely recommend that anime if you have not watched it yet. Both inuyasha and fushigi yugi made me emotional. I love animes that has deep meaning and major character development.

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