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Narwhal: Revealing an Arctic Legend at The PEM
Destination Salem
SALEM, MA – This fall, the Peabody Essex Museum (PEM) invites visitors to dive deep into the world of narwhals. These unique ocean dwellers,...
hace 6 días
Canada authorities find narwhals no longer at risk
The Wildlife Society
Canada authorities find narwhals no longer at risk ... Canadian officials say the narwhal is no longer considered at risk after researchers found...
hace 4 meses
Meet the narwhal, the long-toothed whale that inspired worldwide legends
One Earth
Adapted to life in the Arctic, narwhals use their signature tusks to sense water depth, temperature, and salinity.
hace 3 meses
A future without B.C. apples?
The Narwhal
The sudden shutdown of the B.C. Tree Fruit Growers Co-operative hit an apple industry already facing rising costs and extreme weather.
hace 19 horas
A lifetime of love for the charismatic narwhal
Knowable Magazine
Nweeia wrote about the narwhal in the 2024 Annual Review of Animal Biosciences. He spoke with Knowable Magazine about his work on teeth and...
hace 4 meses
The Narwhal makes waves in Canada for environmental journalism - Conservation news
Mongabay - Conservation News
What's unique about Canada's environment? 'The Narwhal' brings top news and views ... The Narwhal is an award-winning, non-profit, environmental news outlet based...
hace 2 meses
‘Narwhal: Revealing an Arctic Legend’ exhibit to open at Upcountry History Museum
Greenville Journal
“Narwhal: Revealing an Arctic Legend” will be on display through June 16. The Upcountry History Museum is open from 10 am to 5 pm Tuesdays through Saturdays,...
hace 8 meses
Local Event: Event: PEM Opening Celebration: A Narwhal Carnival
Join us as we celebrate the opening of Narwhal: Revealing an Arctic Legend through an array of programs designed to invoke a sense of wonder!
hace 2 semanas
Here’s what's at stake for nature in the B.C. election
The Narwhal
The decisions of the next provincial government could determine the trajectory for almost 2,000 species at risk in B.C..
hace 1 día
B.C.’s newest pipeline conflict, explained
The Narwhal
Reminiscent of the Coastal GasLink conflict, the brewing clash over the Prince Rupert Gas Transmission project raises questions: where do...
hace 2 días