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The present work revisits the chronology of the archaeologically controversial Pedra Furada Rock Shelter of Southeast Piauı́, Brazil.
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¿Qué se encontró en Pedra Furada?
¿Qué significa pedra furada?
En 2003, fueron encontrados además en la gruta de Garrincho, un cráneo incompleto y 29 dientes, en sedimentos que, según el método de termoluminiscencia ...
The present work revisits the chronology of the archaeologically controversial Pedra Furada Rock Shelter of Southeast Piauı́, Brazil.
Falta(n): 2003 | Realizar una búsqueda con lo siguiente:2003
The date of the first settlement of the Americas remains a contentious subject. Previous claims for very early occupation at Pedra Furada.
The present work revisits the chronology of the archaeologically controversial Pedra Furada Rock Shelter of Southeast Piauí, Brazil, using an improved ...
The present work revisits the chronology of the archaeologically controversial Pedra Furada Rock Shelter of Southeast Piauı́, Brazil, using an improved ...
... 2003. A revised chronology of the lowest occupation layer of Pedra Furada Rock Shelter, Piauı́, Brazil: the Pleistocene peopling of the Americas. Quaternary ...
Pedra Furada is an important collection of over 800 archaeological sites in the state of Piauí, Brazil. These include hundreds of rock paintings dating from ...
paintings at Serra da Capivara National Park, which contains Pedra Furada (figs.1,2). ... Copyright © 1996-2003 Athena Publications, Inc. (All Rights Reserved).
16 dic 2021 · 2003, 1257–58). A more recent experiment on cobble burning patterns from the site did not provide any evidence of human intervention (Asfora ...