Dos años después, junto a Evan Williams, Biz dejó el gigante de Silicon Valley para montar su segunda startup: había nacido Twitter. Cosas que me contó un pajarito es una historia sobre cómo crear algo a partir de la nada.
... Evan Williams, que ya era presidente de otra empresa llamada Odeo, Inc. y anteriormente había sido socio fundador y ... Jack Dorsey. Aunque originariamente le pusieron al proyecto el nombre de Status, posteriormente probaron varios ...
... Biz " Stone publicly acknowl- edged later in the year , Twitter had " long outgrown the concept of personal status updates . " Together they developed a prototype of what would become ... JACK DORSEY , " BIZ " STONE , AND EVAN WILLIAMS.
... Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone y Evan Williams fueron los creadores de la red social azul. Twitter nación en el año 2006 con el objetivo de compartir historias y mensajes de 140 caracteres. Jack Dorsey compartió el mensaje «Just ...
Carolyn Bernhardt. Founding Twitter Twitter was founded by Jack Dorsey , Evan Williams , and Christopher " Biz ” Stone . The three men were working at a company named Odeo . Dorsey first thought of the idea for Twitter . He wanted to ...
... Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams, may not have realized its full potential back in 2006. Today, it has become a way for everyone from celebrities to friends or classmates to communicate. The 140-character updates ...
Joanne Mattern. Meet. the. Founders. JACK DORSEY was born in Saint Louis, Missouri, on November 19, 1976. Dorsey attended college in Missouri and then New York. He then moved to California to work in technology. EVAN WILLIAMS ... BIZ” STONE ...